Chief Engineer Questions

Chief Engineer Questions

Main Engine

1. What is the difference between a normal (old) and an electronic (new) main engine.
2. What is the combustion pressure of an engine?
3. Why does an engine start at 10-30 bar if the combustion pressure is 80-90 bar?
4. What is the VIT and the rack, where is it located, how does it work and what works in an injection pump.
5. Have you attended a main engine overhaul? How to disassemble a main bearing from an engine, step by step the whole procedure from establishing safety measures to proper disassembly.
6. What is Rotocap and what do I use it for.
7. What are the safety systems fitted to an engine that are activated in the event of an explosion inside the engine.
8. MAN electronic engine – general.
9. MAN engine, type ME – ECS regulation, NOX, commissioning tests.
10. What does safety energy refer to?
11. What is specific fuel consumption and how is it calculated?
12. What is the difference between Mitsui MAN B&W and Hitachi MAN B&W engines?

Diesel Generators

1. How is a DG serviced?
2. In this situation, we have an auxiliary engine where the exhaust valves are broken. How do you act in case we have a back-up valve, what are the checks you need to do before installing the back-up valve?
3. Why is it necessary to check the valves regularly. In this situation: we have an auxiliary engine for which the valves have been set to 0.3, after a period of operation, the value suddenly increases to 0.5, what are the causes and what can happen if it continues to operate like this?
4. What does 7L67GFCA mean for a MITSUI B&W 7L67GFCA marine engine?
5. Have you worked with auxiliary engines equipped with a mist detector in the engine crankcase? In this situation: you are on watch, an alarm comes on one of the sensors, go down to the engine room. What do you do, how do you check and what do you think happened? After all the checks and after everything is OK, the alarm still occurs, what are the causes and how do you act?
6. Problems with connecting rod and main bearings – DG.
7. Honing process – DG.
8. Cylinder seal problems – measurements.
9. Why do we have water in DG lubrication oil, what is the maximum permissible value of water in oil, how do we solve the situation?
10. Why do we have high viscosity in the lubricating oil of a DG, what are the causes?
11. What can be the cause of temperature rise on all cylinders of a DG.
12. What can be the cause of temperature rise on one of the cylinders of a DG.
13. What is CC for motorcycles?

Marine Boilers

1. What is most important in boiler water, what analyses do we do, why do we do bottom extraction?
2. What are the types of analyses for boiler water?
3. What types of substances are used to treat boiler water?
4. Why are condensate pans installed in steam pipes?


1. What types of separators have you worked with and what are the differences between them (it refers to the construction parts): how to dismantle the tank and how to distribute the water.
2. What do you need to do to the oil separator to reduce the water in the lubricating oil of a DG.
3. OWS 15 ppm – description.
4. What are the functions of the gravity disc and flow control disc in the purifier and clarifier?


1. How many stages does a main air compressor have?
2. In the current situation: in stage 2 the pressure rises very sharply. What are the main reasons for the pressure increase?


1. What is pour point, flash point. What fuel parameters do we get when we refuel?
2. When we arrive on the ship, where do we find bunkering instructions?
3. What have we heard about the new rules for the new type of low sulphur fuel, what is the minimum sulphur content?
4. Nox and the new fuel used on board.

Lubricating Oils

1. When and how are oil samples sent for analysis?

Ship Systems

1. What is the air pressure in the main air cylinders?
2. What is your experience with on-board cranes?
3. What is the thrust bearing and where is it located?
4. If you have worked with on-shaft generator, superheater, frequency inverter, etc.
5. On ship cranes, there is a provision to provide a cable carrier. There is no provision for slip ring. How is this possible?
6. What is the purpose of the o-ring in centrifugal pumps?

Conventions and Codes

1. IMO and Marpol rules.
2. What is ISM?
3. How did I do ISM in my previous contracts? 4. When is the risk assessment, work permit, etc. carried out?
4. What is ISO 14001 environmental management system?


1. What are the first steps to take when entering a confined space?

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