ETO Questions

ETO Questions

1. Operating principle and role of the crankcase oil mist detector.
2. Roles of the current transformer.
3. DG and ME protections.
4. Critical ship equipment.
5. How does the engine rotate and who and how does it work (relates to slip)?Explain the principle of operation of the unified engine overload protection device?
6. Explain the operating principle of the UPP-1 automatic power switching device?
7. Explain the need for motor overload protection?
8. Explain how the motor is protected against overload by the traditional method. What are the disadvantages of such protection?
9. Explain the principles established in modern motor overload protection systems?
10. Explain the concepts of motor overload protection with direct temperature control.
11. Explain the principle of operation of ship insulation resistance monitoring devices (electron).
12. Explain the organisational principle of operation of ship insulation resistance monitoring devices?
13. Converters, their role.
14. How to change the speed of an electric motor (3 methods).
15. Navigation devices.
16. Main switchboard protections
17. Boiler protections.
18. Explain the operation of the light signalling device?
19. What is the need to protect motors from unacceptable voltage reduction, how ?
20. Explain how electric motors are protected against unacceptable voltage reduction by a voltage relay. To which contactor parameters is this protection assigned to the voltage relay?
21. What are the principles established in modern overcurrent protection systems for electric motors
22. Explain how electric motors are protected against unacceptable voltage reduction by contactors. What parameters must a contactor have in order to achieve this protection?
23. Explain how protection against unacceptable reduction of electric motors is achieved for responsible consumers?
24. Explain how electric motors are protected against external short circuits, how are they organized?
25. Protection systems.
26. Known types of circuit breakers.
27. Types of fuses
28. Difference between contactor and relay.
29. In what situations is the ME switched off.
30. Explain how generator overload protection is organised?
31. Explain how generator reverse power protection is organised?
32. Explain how generator protection against unacceptable voltage reduction is organised?
33. Explain how the current settings of circuit breakers are organised when selective protection is organised.
34. Explain how the testing of circuit breakers for maximum switching capacity is carried out.
35. Explain how the protection relay against unacceptable undervoltage reduction due to a short circuit is (detuned)?
36. Describe the protection characteristics of installation machines and selective machines with a fixed time delay
37. Draw the protective characteristics of generating machines with adjustable time delay.
38. Explain the principle of operation of the multivibrator of the light-signalling device.

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